Admission Process
At The Anchor SENDfriendly Specialist School, we are committed to providing high quality education and provision to all learners. This policy outlines the process for admitted new children to our setting and ensuring that we have the correct support in place.
Admission Criteria
Admission to TAS is based on the following criteria:
- The student must have a statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) plan indicating the need for specialised support.
- The student’s needs must be appropriate to the resources and expertise available at TAS.
- The student must be within the age range served by the school Nursery – Post 16.
- Priority may be given to students residing within the catchment area of the school or those transitioning from local mainstream schools.
Application Process
Parents or guardians wishing to apply for admission to The TAS Centre should consult with their Local Authority. We advise that before doing this Parents or guardians:
- Come for a tour.
- Meet the management team.
- Have an informal conversation with Admissions Officer.
Once parents/ guardians have completed this they must consult with their Local Authority for a consultation to be made. This process is outlined below:
- Local Authority sends a consultation letter for us to respond to within 15days.
During those 15 days the following is carried out:
- Home visit to meet the family and child.
– In attendance at the home visit will be a management staff member and our Nurse. We use this time to gather more information about the child and the family. The Nurse will gather medical information to further support the child whilst they attend TAS. Please see below for more details. - School/ placement visit (if applicable).
- All relevant and up to date reports and paperwork received: EHCP, SALT reports, OT reports, EP reports, Behaviour Plans, Care Plans, Risk Assessments, School reports.
- Provision Map and Costings completed and sent to the Local Authority.
- A Consultation response sent to parent’s and Local Authority.
Decision Process
Applications will be reviewed by the admissions panel, which may include the headteacher, SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), and other relevant staff members. The panel will assess each application on an individual basis. They will look at the needs of the child, whether any addition training or resources need to be put in place, which site they will fit best into and how best we can support the child.
Placement Offers
Placement offers will be made to students who meet the admission criteria and for whom places are available. Parents or guardians will receive written notification of the placement offer, along with details of enrolment procedures and start dates. This will also be sent to the Local Authority, during the 15day turnaround, along with the Costings and Provision map.
Appeals Process
Parents or guardians who are dissatisfied with the admission decision may appeal in writing to the headteacher within 14 days of receiving the decision. The appeal will be reviewed by an independent panel appointed by the governing body of The TAS Centre.
Confidentiality and Data Protection:
The TAS Centre will handle all applicant information in accordance with relevant data protection regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and security of personal data.
Compliance with Legal Requirements:
Admission to The TAS Centre will be conducted in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice.
Review and Amendments
This admissions policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains in line with the school’s mission, legal requirements, and best practices in SEN education.
Nurse Involvement
The presence of our school nurse serves as a crucial and distinctive bridge connecting the school, home, health services, and the broader community. From the moment children commence school, our nurse seamlessly assumes the role previously held by the health visitor, offering uninterrupted support throughout their school journey. Their primary objective is to aid families in meeting their children’s needs, serving as a liaison when health or behavioural concerns arise, facilitating discussions between families and professionals. Additionally, our nurse plays a pivotal role in formulating strategies to assist children in navigating challenging transitions, such as the transition into school life.
If parents need transportation, the transport manager will collaborate with them to finalise the transportation application. Upon approval, the appropriate transport team will visit the child’s home. The transport manager will coordinate with the team to ensure the child is included in the route. If this affects the timings for other transportation, all parents of children on that bus must be informed of the time change. The transport policy will be shared with the parents and contacts of the transport manager and team.
Contact Information
For inquiries regarding admissions to The TAS Centre, please contact our Admissions Team on: