Will my child get their quantified hours from their EHCPs in your provision?
Yes. We have SALT, EP, OT, Music Therapy, Play Therapy and Counselling all working on site for us. This means the children will get their quantified hours but also, we can get children assessed if needed.
Can we use your transport?
We have our own transport service called SENDing Transport Services. We have our own qualified drivers and escorts that work on our buses. To apply for transport please visit our transport application page where you will find the links for the right Borough.
Do you have an outside area?
Yes, we have a secure outside area round the back of the building. This has water and sand play, a climbing area, tables and chairs and can also be shelter in the summer and in the rain. The children have access to this area throughout the day and use it for their PE lessons.
Can my child bring in snacks?
Yes. We understand that some children have very specific diets. If there is only a certain type of food your child will eat, then you are able to pack this in their bag
Will my child get homework?
Yes. Your child will have work sent home; however, this is not compulsory. If they are able to complete it then that is great, if it is a challenge for them to do work at home then that is not a problem.
Do you have an afterschool club?
We currently do not run an afterschool club. However, we do run a Respite Service during the weekends and holidays. Please visit our Respite page for mor details.
Will my child get school dinners?
Yes. We have our own chef that cooks freshly prepared meals everyday for the children. Please visit our Menu Page for our 4-weekly menu.
Do you have uniform?
We will be introducing TAS jumpers, however, we understand that some our children only like specific materials, so these will not be compulsory.
I have a child with an EHCP, can they come to your setting?
For us to be able to take on a new child, we must have a formal consultation from the borough you belong to. We will then carry out our Admissions Process to ensure that we are able to meet the child’s needs. Please speak to the SEN department at you borough to discuss changing your child’s setting.