Message from the Founder

Lilian Odim

The Anchor SENDFriendly Centre (TAS) is an independent facility dedicated to serving young individuals from 0 to 25 years old with special educational needs and disabilities (S.E.N.D). TAS places a strong emphasis on creating a secure and enriching environment that integrates various aspects of development—communication/language, personal, social, emotional, and physical—for these individuals. This includes organizing stimulating activities both within the facility and in external settings to encourage positive outcomes for each person under their care.

A fundamental aspect of TAS’s philosophy revolves around tailoring care plans for every child, ensuring they have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential. They deeply comprehend S.E.N.D from both a parental and professional perspective, underpinning their approach with trust, empathy, and fairness. I too am a parent of SEND, When my daughter was diagnosed, my life changed in many different ways but my passion and desire to support and effectively change to improve families lives has never faltered. TAS believes in fairness as equitable access to what each individual uniquely requires to succeed, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

We actively promote diversity, participation, and the accommodation of diverse learning and recreational needs and preferences. We believe that no child should get left behind!